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Dunlin Dental X-Ray Positioning Universal Arm

$17.50 /ea + FREE Std. Shipping
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$17.50 /ea 
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Dunlin Dental X-Ray Positioning Universal Arm

Dunlin Dental X-Ray Positioning Universal Arm

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$17.50/ea + FREE Std. Shipping
$24.50 29% savings
  • 1 @ $17.50
  • 2 @ $16.50
  • 3 @ $15.50
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Dunlin Dental Supply
  • Dunlin Dental Supply Stocked. Ships from PA in 2 business days.
    $17.50/ea + FREE Std. Shipping
Stocked. Ships from PA in 2 business days.
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  • 6/27/23
    By Parisa
    from Boston, MA
    profession Dentist
    [Culture.ProductDetail.VerifiedBuyer]]Verified Buyer
    with Dunlin Dental Supply
    Prongs break off
    Exactly what we needed for ease of use to do FMX but prongs either come off or break off inside the sensor holder.
    3 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
    3 people found this helpful.
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  • 5/22/24
    By magruder
    from Galveston, TX
    profession office manager
    [Culture.ProductDetail.VerifiedBuyer]]Verified Buyer
    with Dunlin Dental Supply
    great price
    1 person found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
    1 person found this helpful.
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  • 4/29/24
    By Vb Mercy
    from Virginia Beach, VA
    profession Other Dental
    [Culture.ProductDetail.VerifiedBuyer]]Verified Buyer
    with Dunlin Dental Supply
    Great value
    Good value for the quality
    1 person found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
    1 person found this helpful.
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  • 1/29/24
    By SK
    from Edinburg, TX
    profession Dentist
    [Culture.ProductDetail.VerifiedBuyer]]Verified Buyer
    with Dunlin Dental Supply
    Aiming Ring Holder
    Great value for same material from bigger companies
    1 person found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
    1 person found this helpful.
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  • 1/23/24
    By SCS
    from Wakefield, RI
    profession Dental
    [Culture.ProductDetail.VerifiedBuyer]]Verified Buyer
    with Dunlin Dental Supply
    Poor Quality
    We purchased 8 of these and 6 out of the 8 have had the prongs break off and are now unusable. Very disappointed with the quality of this product.

    Net32 Response (2/7/24): We are sorry that the customer encountered an issue with the Dunlin Dental X-Ray Positioning Arm. Net32 notified Dunlin Dental Supply of the customers concerns. Dunlin Dental Supply sent a replacement at no charge to the customer.
    1 person found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
    1 person found this helpful.
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  • 11/7/23
    By hailey
    from Plainfield, IL
    profession DENTAL
    [Culture.ProductDetail.VerifiedBuyer]]Verified Buyer
    with Dunlin Dental Supply
    not good
    Started breaking after a week

    Net32 Response (11/10/23): We apologize for the inconvenience the customer experienced with Dunlin Dental Supply's arm product. Net32 brought the customer's concerns to the attention of Dunlin Dental, and a complimentary replacement was sent to the customer. Sincere apologies to the customer for any inconvenience.
    1 person found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?
    1 person found this helpful.
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  • 11/20/23
    By Happytooth
    from Elizabeth, NJ
    profession Dentist
    [Culture.ProductDetail.VerifiedBuyer]]Verified Buyer
    with Dunlin Dental Supply
    low quality
    broke on first use

    Net32 Response (11/22/23): We are sorry that the customer encountered an issue with the Dunlin Dental X-Ray arm. Net32 notified Dunlin Dental of the customer's concerns. Dunlin dental sent a replacement at no charge to the customer.
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  • 10/25/23
    By order
    from Colville, WA
    profession Other Medical
    [Culture.ProductDetail.VerifiedBuyer]]Verified Buyer
    with Dunlin Dental Supply
    Prongs keep popping out
    We bought ten of these back in June, and we've already lost five of them to the prongs popping out. Meanwhile the old Dentsply Rinn ones we've had for years and years without issue. These are about 1/5 of the price of the Rinn arms, but I still can't recommend them.

    Net32 Response (11/7/23): We are sorry that the customer encountered issues with the arms from Dunlin Dental Supply. Net32 notified Dunlin Dental Supply of the customer's concerns. Dunlin Dental Supply provided the customer with an extended warranty and replaced the five units reported damaged.
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