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Vacusol Neutral Dental Evacuation System Cleaner Starter Kit: 1 Quart (32 oz)

$164.66 /ea + FREE Std. Shipping
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$164.66 /ea 
+ FREE Std. Shipping
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Vacusol Neutral Dental Evacuation System Cleaner
By  Biotrol

Vacusol Neutral Dental Evacuation System Cleaner Starter Kit: 1 Quart (32 oz)

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$164.66/ea + FREE Std. Shipping
Lowest price
DDI Supply
  • DDI Supply Long Handling Time. Ships from IA in 6 business days.
    $164.66/ea + FREE Std. Shipping
Long Handling Time. Ships from IA in 6 business days. View other options
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  • 6/5/24
    By Preferred Dentistry
    from Cary, NC
    profession dental
    [Culture.ProductDetail.VerifiedBuyer]]Verified Buyer
    with DDI Supply
    DDI Supply doesn't accept a return on package that leaked everywhere
    Poorly packaged, arrive without a drop of liquid - it leaked everywhere. I feel bad for the postal handlers that had to handle this item. The vendor refused to (DDI Supply) accept it returned. Avoid this vendor!

    Net32 Response (6/6/24): We are sorry that the customer's experience did not meet expectations. Net32 provided the customer with a prepaid label to return the product. The label went unused for over 30 days and the vendor closed the issue.
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