Great Selection of Composites Here

Net32 has an extensive list of composites, flowables and resins, including refill packages of resins and hybrids. Our array of dental vendors bring you the products like retail giants sell (at up to 20, 30 40% or more!), but since they compete for your business, you save. Browse for great deals on composite resins, hybrids and flowables here.
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  1. SureFil SDR Flow + Bulk Fill Flowable, Universal Shade, 0.25 Gm Compula Tips Refill, 50/Pk
    SureFil SDR Flow +
    SureFil SDR Flow + Bulk Fill Flowable, Universal Shade, 0.25 Gm Compula Tips Refill, 50/Pk

    50 - .25 gram compules

    & Up37
  2. TPH Spectra ST LV Compules: A2, 20 x 0.25 g each. Low Viscosity Universal Composite Restorative
    TPH Spectra ST
    TPH Spectra ST LV Compules: A2, 20 x 0.25 g each. Low Viscosity Universal Composite Restorative

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up11
  3. Filtek Supreme Ultra Flow A2 Syringes, Flowable Restorative. Box of 2 - 2 Gm. Syringes & 20 Tips
    Filtek Supreme Ultra Flow
    Filtek Supreme Ultra Flow A2 Syringes, Flowable Restorative. Box of 2 - 2 Gm. Syringes & 20 Tips

    2 - 2 gram syringes

    & Up55
  4. Filtek Z250 XT A2 Compules - EXPORT PACKAGE. Universal Nano Hybrid Restorative, 20 - .20 Gm
    Filtek Z250 XT
    Filtek Z250 XT A2 Compules - EXPORT PACKAGE. Universal Nano Hybrid Restorative, 20 - .20 Gm

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up39
  5. Omnichroma PLT, Universal Shade - 20 x 0.2 g compules. Resin based restorative material with Smart
    Omnichroma PLT, Universal Shade - 20 x 0.2 g compules. Resin based restorative material with Smart

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up53
  6. Beautifil Flow Plus F00 Zero Flow - A2 Syringe, 1 - 2.2 Gm. Syringe. Injectable Hybrid Restorative
    Beautifil Flow Plus
    Beautifil Flow Plus F00 Zero Flow - A2 Syringe, 1 - 2.2 Gm. Syringe. Injectable Hybrid Restorative

    2.2 gram syringe

    & Up77
  7. DenFil Capsule Refill A2, Light-Cured Restorative Micro Hybrid Composite Resin, Radiopaque
    DenFil Capsule Refill A2, Light-Cured Restorative Micro Hybrid Composite Resin, Radiopaque

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up48
  8. Filtek P60 A3 EXPORT PACKAGE, Posterior Restorative, 1 - 4gm Syringe. Light-Cure
    Filtek P60
    Filtek P60 A3 EXPORT PACKAGE, Posterior Restorative, 1 - 4gm Syringe. Light-Cure

    4 gram syringe

    & Up4
  9. House Brand Flowable Composite Resin - A2 shade, 4 x 1g Syringes. Light-Cure Flowable Resin
    House Brand
    House Brand Flowable Composite Resin - A2 shade, 4 x 1g Syringes. Light-Cure Flowable Resin

    4 - 1 gram syringes

    & Up6
  10. Filtek One Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative, Capsules Refill - A2, 20 x 0.2 gm capsules. Fast
    Filtek One Bulk Fill
    Filtek One Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative, Capsules Refill - A2, 20 x 0.2 gm capsules. Fast

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up37
  11. Prime-Dent Flowable Composite A2 - 4 Syringe Kit. VLC (Visible Light Cure) Highly polishable
    Prime-Dent Flowable
    Prime-Dent Flowable Composite A2 - 4 Syringe Kit. VLC (Visible Light Cure) Highly polishable

    4 - 2 gram syringes & 20 tips

    & Up101
  12. Filtek Z250 A2 Compules - Universal Microhybrid Restorative, 20 - .20 Gm. Compules. #6021A2
    Filtek Z250
    Filtek Z250 A2 Compules - Universal Microhybrid Restorative, 20 - .20 Gm. Compules. #6021A2

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up100
  13. SureFil SDR Flow + Bulk Fill Flowable, A2 Shade, 0.25 Gm Compula Tips Refill, 15/Pk. Composite
    SureFil SDR Flow +
    SureFil SDR Flow + Bulk Fill Flowable, A2 Shade, 0.25 Gm Compula Tips Refill, 15/Pk. Composite

    15 - .25 gram compules

    & Up12
  14. DenFil Capsule Refill A1, Light-Cured Restorative Micro Hybrid Composite Resin, Radiopaque
    DenFil Capsule Refill A1, Light-Cured Restorative Micro Hybrid Composite Resin, Radiopaque

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up19
  15. Filtek Z250 A2 Syringe EXPORT PACKAGE - Universal Microhybrid Restorative, 1 - 4 Gm. Syringe
    Filtek Z250
    Filtek Z250 A2 Syringe EXPORT PACKAGE - Universal Microhybrid Restorative, 1 - 4 Gm. Syringe

    4 gram syringe

    & Up11
  16. Herculite Classic Unidose - Enamel A1 EXPORT PACKAGE microhybrid composite, 20 - .25 gram compules
    Herculite Classic
    Herculite Classic Unidose - Enamel A1 EXPORT PACKAGE microhybrid composite, 20 - .25 gram compules

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up48
  17. Filtek Z250 XT A1 Compules - EXPORT PACKAGE. Universal Nano Hybrid Restorative, 20 - .20 Gm
    Filtek Z250 XT
    Filtek Z250 XT A1 Compules - EXPORT PACKAGE. Universal Nano Hybrid Restorative, 20 - .20 Gm

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up14
  18. SureFil SDR Flow + Bulk Fill Flowable, Universal Shade, 0.25 Gm Compula Tips Refill, 15/Pk
    SureFil SDR Flow +
    SureFil SDR Flow + Bulk Fill Flowable, Universal Shade, 0.25 Gm Compula Tips Refill, 15/Pk

    15 - .25 gram compules

    & Up16
  19. Venus Pearl PLT Refill A2 20/Bx. Universal Nano-hybrid Composite, Light-Cure, Radiopaque. 20 - .2
    Venus Pearl
    Venus Pearl PLT Refill A2 20/Bx. Universal Nano-hybrid Composite, Light-Cure, Radiopaque. 20 - .2

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up8
  20. Beautifil II A2 Compules, 20 - 0.25 Gm. Compule Tips. Nano-Hybrid Composite with Fluoride Release
    Beautifil II
    Beautifil II A2 Compules, 20 - 0.25 Gm. Compule Tips. Nano-Hybrid Composite with Fluoride Release

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up26
  21. SonicFill 3 SingleFill Bulk Composite System A2 20 x 0.25 Gm Unidose Tip Refills. Nanohybrid
    SonicFill 3
    SonicFill 3 SingleFill Bulk Composite System A2 20 x 0.25 Gm Unidose Tip Refills. Nanohybrid

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up7
  22. Filtek Supreme Ultra Capsules A2 Body 20/Bx. Universal Restorative, "True" Nanotechnology
    Filtek Supreme Ultra
    Filtek Supreme Ultra Capsules A2 Body 20/Bx. Universal Restorative, "True" Nanotechnology

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up51
  23. Herculite Classic Unidose - Enamel A2 EXPORT PACKAGE microhybrid composite, 20 - .25 gram compules
    Herculite Classic
    Herculite Classic Unidose - Enamel A2 EXPORT PACKAGE microhybrid composite, 20 - .25 gram compules

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up97
  24. Tetric EvoCeram, A2, Universal Nanohybrid Composite, Refill: 20 - 0.2 Gm. Cavifils. Light-curing
    Tetric EvoCeram
    Tetric EvoCeram, A2, Universal Nanohybrid Composite, Refill: 20 - 0.2 Gm. Cavifils. Light-curing

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up15
  25. Filtek Z250 XT A3 Compules - EXPORT PACKAGE. Universal Nano Hybrid Restorative, 20 - .20 Gm
    Filtek Z250 XT
    Filtek Z250 XT A3 Compules - EXPORT PACKAGE. Universal Nano Hybrid Restorative, 20 - .20 Gm

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up19
  26. Tetric EvoFlow A2 - 2g Syringe - Flowable composite material with high radiopacity that remains
    Tetric EvoFlow
    Tetric EvoFlow A2 - 2g Syringe - Flowable composite material with high radiopacity that remains

    2 gram syringe

    & Up19
  27. Filtek One Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative, EXPORT PACKAGE Capsules Refill - A2, 20 x 0.2 gm
    Filtek One Bulk Fill
    Filtek One Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative, EXPORT PACKAGE Capsules Refill - A2, 20 x 0.2 gm

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up4
  28. TPH Spectra ST LV Compules: A1, 20 x 0.25 g each. Low Viscosity Universal Composite Restorative
    TPH Spectra ST
    TPH Spectra ST LV Compules: A1, 20 x 0.25 g each. Low Viscosity Universal Composite Restorative

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up5
  29. Filtek Supreme Ultra Capsules A3 Body 20/Bx. Universal Restorative, "True" Nanotechnology
    Filtek Supreme Ultra
    Filtek Supreme Ultra Capsules A3 Body 20/Bx. Universal Restorative, "True" Nanotechnology

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up28
  30. Beautifil Flow Plus F03 Low Flow - A2 Syringe, 1 - 2.2 Gm. Syringe. Injectable Hybrid Restorative
    Beautifil Flow Plus
    Beautifil Flow Plus F03 Low Flow - A2 Syringe, 1 - 2.2 Gm. Syringe. Injectable Hybrid Restorative

    2.2 gram syringe

    & Up50
  31. Filtek Z350 XT Flowable A2 Syringe, EXPORT PACKAGE, Flowable Restorative, 2 Gm Syringe, 2/Pk
    Filtek Z350 XT Flowable
    Filtek Z350 XT Flowable A2 Syringe, EXPORT PACKAGE, Flowable Restorative, 2 Gm Syringe, 2/Pk

    2 - 2 gram syringes

    & Up9
  32. Filtek Supreme Ultra Capsules A1 Body 20/Bx. Universal Restorative, "True" Nanotechnology
    Filtek Supreme Ultra
    Filtek Supreme Ultra Capsules A1 Body 20/Bx. Universal Restorative, "True" Nanotechnology

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up24
  33. Bulk EZ A2 Refill: 2 x 6g syringes & 12 tips (6 x 17 gauge, 6 x 19 gauge). Dual cure bulk-fill
    Bulk EZ
    Bulk EZ A2 Refill: 2 x 6g syringes & 12 tips (6 x 17 gauge, 6 x 19 gauge). Dual cure bulk-fill

    2 - 6 gram sryinges & tips

    & Up13
  34. G-aenial Universal Flo A2 Refill. Flowable Composite. Handles like a low-flow flowable
    G-aenial Universal Flo
    G-aenial Universal Flo A2 Refill. Flowable Composite. Handles like a low-flow flowable

    2 ml syringe & tips

    & Up23
  35. Clearfil Majesty Flow A2 Syringe. Light-Cure, Radiopaque, Restorative Composite Resin. 3.2 Gm
    Clearfil Majesty Flow
    Clearfil Majesty Flow A2 Syringe. Light-Cure, Radiopaque, Restorative Composite Resin. 3.2 Gm

    3.2 gram syringe & tips

    & Up21
  36. Beautifil Flow Plus F00 Zero Flow - A1 Syringe, 1 - 2.2 Gm. Syringe. Injectable Hybrid Restorative
    Beautifil Flow Plus
    Beautifil Flow Plus F00 Zero Flow - A1 Syringe, 1 - 2.2 Gm. Syringe. Injectable Hybrid Restorative

    2.2 gram syringe

    & Up44
  37. Herculite Classic Unidose - Enamel A3 EXPORT PACKAGE microhybrid composite, 20 - .25 gram compules
    Herculite Classic
    Herculite Classic Unidose - Enamel A3 EXPORT PACKAGE microhybrid composite, 20 - .25 gram compules

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up43
  38. Filtek A2 Capsules 0.2 g, 20/Pk. Universal Composite Restorative, Light Cure. Featuring
    Filtek A2 Capsules 0.2 g, 20/Pk. Universal Composite Restorative, Light Cure. Featuring

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up4
  39. TPH Spectra ST HV Compules: A2, 20 x 0.25 g each. High Viscosity Universal Composite Restorative
    TPH Spectra ST
    TPH Spectra ST HV Compules: A2, 20 x 0.25 g each. High Viscosity Universal Composite Restorative

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up4
  40. Prime-Dent Flowable Composite A1 - 4 Syringe Kit. VLC (Visible Light Cure) Highly polishable
    Prime-Dent Flowable
    Prime-Dent Flowable Composite A1 - 4 Syringe Kit. VLC (Visible Light Cure) Highly polishable

    4 - 2 gram syringes & 20 tips

    & Up37
  41. TPH Spectra ST LV Compules: A3, 20 x 0.25 g each. Low Viscosity Universal Composite Restorative
    TPH Spectra ST
    TPH Spectra ST LV Compules: A3, 20 x 0.25 g each. Low Viscosity Universal Composite Restorative

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up4
  42. Omnichroma Universal Shade - 4 g Syringe. Resin based restorative material with Smart Chromatic
    Omnichroma Universal Shade - 4 g Syringe. Resin based restorative material with Smart Chromatic

    4 gram syringe

    & Up12
  43. Tetric EvoCeram, A1, Universal Nanohybrid Composite, Refill: 20 - 0.2 Gm. Cavifils. Light-curing
    Tetric EvoCeram
    Tetric EvoCeram, A1, Universal Nanohybrid Composite, Refill: 20 - 0.2 Gm. Cavifils. Light-curing

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up7
  44. Herculite XRV Microhybrid Composite - Enamel A2 - 20 x .25 g Unidose Tips. Light-cured composite
    Herculite XRV
    Herculite XRV Microhybrid Composite - Enamel A2 - 20 x .25 g Unidose Tips. Light-cured composite

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up34
  45. SureFil SDR Flow + Bulk Fill Flowable, Universal Shade, 1 Gm Syringe Refill, 2/Pk. Composite base
    SureFil SDR Flow +
    SureFil SDR Flow + Bulk Fill Flowable, Universal Shade, 1 Gm Syringe Refill, 2/Pk. Composite base

    2 - 1 gram syringes & tips

    & Up3
  46. Tetric EvoFlow Composite Resin, Translucent, 2g Syringe, 1/Pk. Flowable universal composite
    Tetric EvoFlow
    Tetric EvoFlow Composite Resin, Translucent, 2g Syringe, 1/Pk. Flowable universal composite

    2 gram syringe

    & Up8
  47. DenFil Capsule Refill A3, Light-Cured Restorative Micro Hybrid Composite Resin, Radiopaque
    DenFil Capsule Refill A3, Light-Cured Restorative Micro Hybrid Composite Resin, Radiopaque

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up18
  48. Tetric EvoFlow A1 - 2g Syringe - Flowable composite material with high radiopacity that remains
    Tetric EvoFlow
    Tetric EvoFlow A1 - 2g Syringe - Flowable composite material with high radiopacity that remains

    2 gram syringe

    & Up15
  49. Filtek Z350 XT Capsules A2 Body EXPORT PACKAGE. Universal Restorative, "True" Nanotechnology
    Filtek Z350 XT
    Filtek Z350 XT Capsules A2 Body EXPORT PACKAGE. Universal Restorative, "True" Nanotechnology

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up15
  50. Filtek Supreme Ultra Flow A1 Syringes, Flowable Restorative. Box of 2 - 2 Gm. Syringes & 20 Tips
    Filtek Supreme Ultra Flow
    Filtek Supreme Ultra Flow A1 Syringes, Flowable Restorative. Box of 2 - 2 Gm. Syringes & 20 Tips

    2 - 2 gram syringes

    & Up19
  51. Filtek Bulk Fill Flowable Restorative Refill Shade A2 Syringes, 2 - 2g Syringes
    Filtek Bulk Fill Flowable
    Filtek Bulk Fill Flowable Restorative Refill Shade A2 Syringes, 2 - 2g Syringes

    2 - 2 gram syringes

    & Up7
  52. Beautifil II A1 Compules, 20 - 0.25 Gm. Compule Tips. Nano-Hybrid Composite with Fluoride Release
    Beautifil II
    Beautifil II A1 Compules, 20 - 0.25 Gm. Compule Tips. Nano-Hybrid Composite with Fluoride Release

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up12
  53. Tetric EvoCeram, A3, Universal Nanohybrid Composite, Refill: 20 - 0.2 Gm. Cavifils. Light-curing
    Tetric EvoCeram
    Tetric EvoCeram, A3, Universal Nanohybrid Composite, Refill: 20 - 0.2 Gm. Cavifils. Light-curing

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up10
  54. Clearfil Majesty Esthetic ES-2 Classic, A2, .25 Gm. Compules, Light-Cure, 20/Pk. Restorative
    Clearfil Majesty Esthetic ES-2 Classic
    Clearfil Majesty Esthetic ES-2 Classic, A2, .25 Gm. Compules, Light-Cure, 20/Pk. Restorative

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up6
  55. Estelite Sigma Quick A2 PLT (Pre-Loaded Tip) - Universal, 100% Spherically Filled Composite
    Estelite Sigma Quick
    Estelite Sigma Quick A2 PLT (Pre-Loaded Tip) - Universal, 100% Spherically Filled Composite

    20 - .20 gram compules

    & Up9
  56. SonicFill 3 SingleFill Bulk Composite System A1 20 x 0.25 Gm Unidose Tip Refills. Nanohybrid
    SonicFill 3
    SonicFill 3 SingleFill Bulk Composite System A1 20 x 0.25 Gm Unidose Tip Refills. Nanohybrid

    20 - .25 gram compules

    & Up2
  57. Beautifil Flow Plus F00 Zero Flow - A3 Syringe, 1 - 2.2 Gm. Syringe. Injectable Hybrid Restorative
    Beautifil Flow Plus
    Beautifil Flow Plus F00 Zero Flow - A3 Syringe, 1 - 2.2 Gm. Syringe. Injectable Hybrid Restorative

    2.2 gram syringe

    & Up21

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