Retraction cord
Ultrapak #0 Retraction Cord Plain Knitted, 8ft (244 cm) cord per bottle96" per Bottle
Ultrapak #00 Retraction Cord Plain Knitted, 8ft (244 cm) cord per bottle96" per Bottle
Ultrapak #1 Retraction Cord Plain Knitted, 8ft (244 cm) cord per bottle96" per Bottle
Knit-Pak Size #00 Knitted Plain Retraction Cord, Non-impregnated 100" Cotton, for use100" per Bottle
$9.05$25.44Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist Weave - #00 Very Thin with Epinephrine, 100% Cotton, 108" per Bottle. #10170M108" per Bottle
Ultrapak #2 Retraction Cord Plain Knitted, 8ft (244 cm) cord per bottle96" per Bottle
Knit-Pak Size #0 Knitted Plain Retraction Cord, Non-impregnated 100" Cotton, for use with Hemodent100" per Bottle
Ultrapak #000 Retraction Cord Plain Knitted, 8ft (244 cm) cord per bottle. #000 Ultra-Thin 0.58 mm96" per Bottle
Knit-Pak Size #1 Knitted Plain Retraction Cord, Non-impregnated 100" Cotton, for use with Hemodent100" per Bottle
$14.49$25.44Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist Weave - #1 Thin with Epinephrine, 100% Cotton, 108" per Bottle. #10171M108" per Bottle
Knit-Pak Size #000 Knitted Plain Retraction Cord, Non-impregnated 100" Cotton, for use100" per Bottle
Knit-Pak+ Size 00 Aluminum Chloride Impregnated Knitted Retraction cord, 100"/bottle. Offers100" per Bottle
Knit-Pak+ Size 0 Aluminum Chloride Impregnated Knitted Retraction cord, 100"/bottle. Offers100" per Bottle
$16.99$26.94Gingi-Pak MAX Soft Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Soft Twist #2 Medium with Epinephrine, 100% Cotton, 108" per Bottle108" per Bottle
Knit-Pak+ Size 1 Aluminum Chloride Impregnated Knitted Retraction cord, 100"/bottle. Offers100" per Bottle
GingiBraid 2A #2 medium braided yarn retraction cord with aluminum sulfate, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
Knit-Pak Size #2 Knitted Plain Retraction Cord, Non-impregnated 100" Cotton, for use with Hemodent100" per Bottle
$13.67$24.95Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist Weave - #2 Medium with Epinephrine, 100% Cotton, 108" per Bottle. #10172M108" per Bottle
GingiBraid 1A #1 small braided yarn retraction cord with aluminum sulfate, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
$18.04$30.74Gingi-Pak MAX Original
Gingi-Pak MAX Original Gingi-Pak MAX Retraction Cord - Original 2-Ply with Epinephrine, 108"108" per Bottle
Knit-Pak+ Size 2 Aluminum Chloride Impregnated Knitted Retraction cord, 100"/bottle. Offers100" per Bottle
Knit-Trax Plain #00 Ultra Thin Retraction Cord, 100"/Bottle. 100% cotton cord is knitted into100" per Bottle
Knit-Trax Plain #0 Thin Retraction Cord, 100"/Bottle. 100% cotton cord is knitted into100" per Bottle
$14.81$22.24Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist Gingi-Plain MAX Z-Twist Weave - #00 Very Thin Plain, 100% Cotton, 108"108" per Bottle
GingiBraid 0A #0 fine braided yarn retraction cord with aluminum sulfate, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
Knit-Pak+ Size 000 Aluminum Chloride Impregnated Knitted Retraction cord, 100"/bottle. Offers100" per Bottle
$14.90$26.44Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist Gingi-Plain MAX Z-Twist Weave - #000 Ultra Thin Non-Impregnated, 100%108" per Bottle
Ultrapak #3 Retraction Cord Plain Knitted, 8ft (244 cm) cord per bottle. #3 Large - 1.31 mm96" per Bottle
$18.21$32.99Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist Gingi-Aid MAX Z-Twist Weave - #00 Very Thin with Aluminum Sulfate, 100%108" per Bottle
GingiBraid 1N #1 small braided yarn non-impregnated retraction cord, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
Knit-Trax Plain #1 Medium Retraction Cord, 100"/Bottle. 100% cotton cord is knitted into100" per Bottle
$13.96$23.00Gingi-Pak MAX Soft Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Soft Twist #1 Thin with Epinephrine, 100% Cotton, 108" per Bottle. #10105M108" per Bottle
$15.43$22.29Sil-Trax EPI
Sil-Trax EPI #7/#00 Ultra-Thin Braided Retraction Cord with Epinephrine, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
$15.23$23.54GingiBraid ShortCut
GingiBraid ShortCut 1A #1 small braided yarn retraction cord with aluminum potassium sulfate72" per Bottle
Racord #8/#0 Thin Twisted Retraction Cord with Epinephrine, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
Racord #9/#1 Medium Twisted Retraction Cord with Epinephrine, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
GingiBraid 0N #0 fine braided yarn non-impregnated retraction cord, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
UniBraid 1A #1 Small Pre-Cut (2" lengths) Retraction Cord with Aluminum Sulfate, Box of 5050 individual pieces of 2" cord
Racord #10/#2 Thick Twisted Retraction Cord with Epinephrine, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
$18.99$22.50Sil-Trax Plus
Sil-Trax Plus #8/#0 Thin Braided Retraction Cord with Epinephrine and Zinc Phenolsulfonate, 72"72" per Bottle
Knit-Trax Plain #000 Ultra Thin Retraction Cord, 100"/Bottle. 100% cotton cord is knitted into100" per Bottle
GingiBraid 2N #2 medium braided yarn non-impregnated retraction cord, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
UniBraid 2A #2 Medium Pre-Cut (2" lengths) Retraction Cord with Aluminum Sulfate, Box of 5050 individual pieces of 2" cord
$30.03$30.84Sil-Trax Plus
Sil-Trax Plus #7/#00 Ultra-Thin Braided Retraction Cord with Epinephrine and Zinc Phenolsulfonate72" per Bottle
$18.26$23.54Gingi-Pak MAX Soft Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Soft Twist #3 Thick with Epinephrine, 100% Cotton, 108" per Bottle. #10115M108" per Bottle
$13.98$22.49Gingi-Pak MAX Original
Gingi-Pak MAX Original Gingi-Plain MAX Retraction Cord - Original 2-Ply Plain, 108" per bottle108" per Bottle
$10.25$20.44Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist Gingi-Plain MAX Z-Twist Weave - #2 Medium Plain, 100% Cotton, 108"108" per Bottle
$10.58$21.59Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist Gingi-Plain MAX Z-Twist Weave - #1 Thin Plain, 100% Cotton, 108" per Bottle108" per Bottle
Knit-Trax Plain #2 Thick Retraction Cord, 100"/Bottle. 100% cotton cord is knitted into100" per Bottle
$16.63$22.90Sil-Trax EPI
Sil-Trax EPI #8/#0 Thin Braided Retraction Cord with Epinephrine, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
Racord #7/#00 Ultra-Thin Twisted Retraction Cord with Epinephrine, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
$17.86$24.72Sil-Trax EPI
Sil-Trax EPI #9/#1 Medium Braided Retraction Cord with Epinephrine, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
$15.29$23.54GingiBraid ShortCut
GingiBraid ShortCut 2A #2 medium braided yarn retraction cord with aluminum potassium sulfate72" per Bottle
Knit-Pak Size #3 Knitted Plain Retraction Cord, Non-impregnated 100" Cotton, for use with Hemodent100" per Bottle
$15.54$25.44GingiBraid ShortCut
GingiBraid ShortCut 0A #0 fine braided yarn retraction cord with aluminum potassium sulfate72" per Bottle
$25.19$34.64Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist
Gingi-Pak MAX Z-Twist Gingi-Aid MAX Z-Twist Weave - #1 Thin with Aluminum Sulfate, 100% Cotton108" per Bottle
$17.22$21.89Sil-Trax Plus
Sil-Trax Plus #9/#1 Medium Braided Retraction Cord with Epinephrine and Zinc Phenolsulfonate, 72"72" per Bottle
$15.61$25.50Sil-Trax A.S.
Sil-Trax A.S. #7/#00 Ultra-Thin Braided Retraction Cord with Aluminum Sulfate, 72" bottle of cord72" per Bottle
Stat-Pak Plain Knitted Retraction Cord, #0, Lavender, 100"/Bottle100" per Bottle
$15.90$19.71GingiBraid ShortCut
GingiBraid ShortCut 0N #0 fine braided yarn non-impregnated retraction cord, in ShortCut72" per Bottle
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